Sam Filisko Promoted to Subsidiary Regional Manager

November 09, 2023

ECS is thrilled to announce Sam Filisko’s promotion to the role of Subsidiary Regional Manager, effective October 23, 2023. Sam, who initially joined ECS in 2021 as the Director of Facilities Engineering, SVP, brings a wealth of experience to his new position.

In this expanded role, Sam will provide leadership and vision to the facilities- and environmental-engineering groups. He will focus on strategic recruitment, business development, operational excellence, geographic expansion, targeted acquisitions and provide the visionary growth plan for both groups.

Sam shared his enthusiasm saying, “I’m excited to leverage both environmental and facilities growth plans to cross-sell all services ECS provides. I look forward to leading the strategic recruitment of people and companies to grow ECS geographically.” Sam values ECS’ commitment to employee growth and individual achievement along with our One Firm, One Mission passion for exceeding client expectations at all levels.