ECS’ webinars can enhance your knowledge or serve as a great refresher. These courses are typically 60 minutes and are interactive. Many offer American Institute of Architects (AIA) learning units (LU) and health safety welfare (HSW) credits, as well as professional development hours (PDH) for professional-engineer licenses.
New webinars take place every Wednesday. Trainings are followed up with a survey for attendees to input information for ECS to report credits to the appropriate licensing authority. Optional certificates can be sent for those looking to independently track credits.
ECS’ Upcoming Webinars
ECS offers tailored courses and schedules to fit your employees’ training needs. For questions, or to request a course catalog, contact webinars@ecslimited.com.
ECS is pleased to offer environmental-health and safety-training programs. Tailored courses and schedules to fit your employees’ needs are available. Our instructors will come to you, or we can host your staff at one of our many convenient training centers. Select courses are offered in Spanish. For questions, including fee inquiries or to request a course catalog, contact training@ecslimited.com.