Our Diverse and Innovative Testing Capabilities
ECS offers you the resources, knowledge and innovative geotechnical engineering testing services you need to successfully complete your next construction project. Our capabilities include:
- Permeability testing by our team of professionals through either the constant head test or falling head test through boreholes or standpipe piezometers, which helps determine the hydraulic conductivity or water flow through the soil
- Consolidation testing with the oedometer test to determine the volume of soil after applied stress, which is beneficial for construction projects
- Unconfined compression testing determines the unconfined compressive strength of rock, where professionals apply stress to the longitudinal axis to make a measurement
- Triaxial compression testing involves loading the materials you are testing to failure axially while applying a constant confining pressure to measure behavior under such circumstances
- Direct shear testing of soils measures the soil or rock’s shear strength properties and can also detect discontinuities, helping you determine the strength of the material