Keith Nelson Promoted to Senior Principal

August 04, 2022

Keith Nelson, NCARB, AIA, CDT, BCxP, has been promoted to Senior Principal, focusing on building envelope services for the Mid-Atlantic Facilities team. With over 23 years of experience across the US and in multiple countries, Keith brings technical leadership and nationally recognized expertise to this role including service as a consultant and voting member of national committees with ASTM, ASHRAE, and RAiNA among others with multiple publications with ASTM and BCxA.  His experience also includes lectures nationally on building envelope performance, building science, building envelope commissioning (BECx), and NFPA 285.

“Keith’s leadership in the national associations and our building envelope practice is critical to the growth of ECS Facilities and our ability to meet and exceed our client’s expectations.” Samuel Filisko, Senior Vice President, Director of Facilities Engineering.

As a Senior Principal, Keith will provide technical support for building envelope services across the ECS footprint. He will support the facilities team in recruiting and retention of senior staff, training development and implementation, increasing regional and national awareness of ECS Building Envelope Services, and delivering valued quality with our project partners.

“In the Senior Principal role, I am looking forward to working with and growing our exceptional facilities team in leadership, knowledge, and the continued success of our project partners,” says Keith, “I am excited to continue to build upon internal and external relationships to expand our support of client and project performance to exceed expectations.”

Originally from Evansville, Indiana, Keith attained a Bachelor of Architecture and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. He is currently living in Richmond, Virginia, with his wife, Megan, and three amazing kids.