With more than 303,000 jobs in civil engineering, and expected job growth in the coming years, we wanted to share a few reasons why you should consider a career in the engineering consulting field.
Every day is different
Engineers are not professionals who always sit at a desk from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Engineers work in a variety of environments from cities to rural areas, from industrial sites to skyscraper buildings.
“There are a wide variety of projects that we work on. I work on many different teams, different departments and different types of jobs. There is really no ‘typical day.’ Sometimes I’m in the office, sometimes I’m out in the field. We joke at home that some days I come home looking like I’ve rolled in the mud all day, and then other days in a suit. It keeps things interesting.”
– Katelyn
Make a difference
Consulting engineers can have an enormous impact on the quality of life people enjoy on a daily basis.
“Geotechnical engineers shape the modern landscape. If you go out and you drive around, you’re going see buildings, roads and bridges. Everything is tied to the earth, and with the earth, you’ve got a foundation, with the foundations, you’ve got geotechnical engineers. Our job is to make sure that the foundations are designed and constructed properly for the safety of the public.” – Bryan
“There is pride in seeing the final product. What was a vacant lot in the middle of an urban area where it’s not providing any community benefits, and then two or three years later, you drive by that same property and now it’s a beautiful residential building with restaurants on the first floor. It’s really nice to see that you were able to have some hand in that development of creating a nice space for the community.” – Pamela
Real challenges
Consulting engineering is about solving problems from small day-to-day problems to large complex problems that affect society.
“The coolest project I’ve worked on to date is a TSA expansion project at a local airport. It was very difficult to coordinate, and to make it work, as well as troubleshooting the problems as they came through. But it ended up being a big success.” – Bernardo
Great opportunities
Construction is booming and experts expect the growth to continue. Consulting engineers play a role in construction projects, from design to maintenance.
“There is plenty of opportunity at ECS for anyone who works hard, and is willing to learn and adapt. We are a company that values client success, employee success, honesty and integrity.” – Joe
“I think opportunity is another thing that excites me about ECS. There’s opportunity for growth and expansion. There’s opportunity to work with diverse people and to work on diverse projects. There’s opportunity to get more work. There’s opportunity everywhere that you turn and it’s really up to each different team member to seize it, grab it and go for it.” – Paul
Want to learn more about what it takes to work in this industry?
Check out: http://www.ecslimited.com/careers