Document Constructibility and Peer Review

Whether the design is a few sheets or a large design package of hundreds of pages, there is a need for the documents to be peer reviewed. Benefits of peer review include coordination, identification of where the design details do not agree, key elements accidentally omitted from the design and avoidance of costly change orders. In addition, there is a difference in the two dimensional world of paper or screen design and the multi-dimensional world of construction. A constructibility review brings the experience of designers who have applied their skills in the field to visualize the design and identify where components and assemblies cannot be effectively built or where interferences in trades will delay the project.

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Whether the design is a few sheets or a large design package of hundreds of pages, there is a need for the documents to be peer reviewed. Benefits of peer review include coordination, identification of where the design details do not agree, key elements accidentally omitted from the design and avoidance of costly change orders. In addition, there is a difference in the two dimensional world of paper or screen design and the multi-dimensional world of construction. A constructibility review brings the experience of designers who have applied their skills in the field to visualize the design and identify where components and assemblies cannot be effectively built or where interferences in trades will delay the project.

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ECS team talking in conference room

Who needs this service?

Design professionals have used the service to improve the performance of the product they produce. As in any detailed endeavor, self-review of details is often impacted by having been so deeply involved in the project that details are glossed over. Fresh eyes and a different perspective will find issues not found by self-review. In the larger picture, better documents will normally lead to fewer requests for information (RFIs) and can lead to fewer change orders to correct design errors during the project.

In addition, a peer review can provide for a faster turn-around by the permit office by finding and addressing those issues the plan reviewer would use to delay permit for issuance. In this case a peer review by a person versed in the appropriate building code is the key.

Likewise, developers and contractors can use the service to identify the missing details before they arise in the field. Design issues in the field can result in higher costs and schedule delays.

Please contact us with any questions you have regarding document constructability and peer reviews.

Who needs this service?

Design professionals have used the service to improve the performance of the product they produce. As in any detailed endeavor, self-review of details is often impacted by having been so deeply involved in the project that details are glossed over. Fresh eyes and a different perspective will find issues not found by self-review. In the larger picture, better documents will normally lead to fewer requests for information (RFIs) and can lead to fewer change orders to correct design errors during the project.

In addition, a peer review can provide for a faster turn-around by the permit office by finding and addressing those issues the plan reviewer would use to delay permit for issuance. In this case a peer review by a person versed in the appropriate building code is the key.

Likewise, developers and contractors can use the service to identify the missing details before they arise in the field. Design issues in the field can result in higher costs and schedule delays.

Please contact us with any questions you have regarding document constructability and peer reviews.

Facility staff talking in conference room

Facility staff talking in conference room

Notable Projects

  • Parkstone Apartments, Wake County, NC
  • Everbrook Academy, Prince William County, VA

Notable Projects

  • Parkstone Apartments, Wake County, NC
  • Everbrook Academy, Prince William County, VA
Facility staff talking in conference room