September is National Preparedness Month and typically the most active month of Hurricane season. During hurricane season we tend to focus on the immediate impacts during the storm, but the sad reality is that many deaths and serious injuries occur after a storm has passed.
Both during and after this storm there may be massive flooding in many areas. Do not attempt to drive through flood waters…trying to drive through flowing flood waters often leads to certain death. Remember the phrase Turn around and don’t drown.
After a storm there will be lots of downed trees and power lines. Assume all downed lines are hot and stay away, and leave the clearing to the professionals. If you lose power and are using a portable generator, please make sure the generator is located outside of your home, and not in a garage. Also shut the generator off before refueling to reduce the danger of fire.
Lastly, after a storm many people are seriously injured while removing debris. Remember to wear your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and take frequent breaks to rest. When cleaning up debris, don’t try to be a super-hero and do all the work yourself, ask for help where needed. You may encounter displaced wildlife when picking up debris, so be mindful of their potential presence. If you are not familiar with using a chainsaw, seek out a professional to help with removal of fallen trees and limbs.
Just like when you are at work, remember that your primary goal is for you and your family to survive the storm safe and sound and this includes the clean-up afterwards.
Here are a few links to disaster recovery site with some good advice on what to do after the storm: